-based view of a JavaBean. Enhancer
extend this interface.Enhancer
to a particular
callback. BeanMap
only; see the FastMethod
for similar functionality.
callback. Enhancer
in use affects which cached class
the Enhancer
will use, so this is a reminder that
you should correctly implement equals
for custom CallbackFilter
implementations in order to improve performance.
class implement this interface.
callback that simply returns the value to return
from the proxied method. MethodProxy
used when intercepting the method
matching the given signature.
and producing a byte array containing the
data for the generated Class
generate(ClassGenerator) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.DefaultGeneratorStrategy
generate(ClassGenerator) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.core.GeneratorStrategy
generateClass(ClassVisitor) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanCopier.Generator
generateClass(ClassVisitor) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanGenerator
generateClass(ClassVisitor) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanMap.Generator
generateClass(ClassVisitor) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BulkBean.Generator
generateClass(ClassVisitor) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.ImmutableBean.Generator
generateClass(ClassVisitor) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.core.ClassGenerator
generateClass(ClassVisitor) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.KeyFactory.Generator
generateClass(ClassVisitor) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer
generateClass(ClassVisitor) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Mixin.Generator
generateClass(ClassVisitor) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.ConstructorDelegate.Generator
generateClass(ClassVisitor) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastClass.Generator
generateClass(ClassVisitor) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MethodDelegate.Generator
generateClass(ClassVisitor) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MulticastDelegate.Generator
generateClass(ClassVisitor) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.ClassReaderGenerator
generateClass(ClassVisitor) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.TransformingClassGenerator
generateClass(ClassVisitor) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.util.ParallelSorter.Generator
generateClass(ClassVisitor) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.util.StringSwitcher.Generator
get(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanMap
get(Object, Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanMap
Get the property of a bean.
get(int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.TinyBitSet
getAccess() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.ClassEmitter
getArgumentTypes() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.Signature
getBean() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanMap
Return the bean currently in use by this map.
getBeanGetters(Class) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.ReflectUtils
getBeanProperties(Class) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.ReflectUtils
getBeanSetters(Class) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.ReflectUtils
getBoxedType(Type) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.TypeUtils
getCallback(int) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.proxy.Factory
Return the Callback
implementation at the specified index.
getCause() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BulkBeanException
getCause() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeGenerationException
getClassEmitter() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
getClassLoader() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.AbstractClassGenerator
getClassName() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.AbstractClassGenerator
getClassName(ClassReader) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.ClassNameReader
getClassName() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.DebuggingClassWriter
getClassName(String, String, Object, Predicate) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.DefaultNamingPolicy
getClassName(String, String, Object, Predicate) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.core.NamingPolicy
Choose a name for a generated class.
getClassName(Type) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.TypeUtils
getClassTransformer(String) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.AbstractTransformTask
getClassTransformer(String) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.hook.AbstractPreProcessor
getClassType() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.ClassEmitter
getClassWriter() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.DefaultGeneratorStrategy
getClasses(Object[]) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.ReflectUtils
getClasses(Object[]) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Mixin
getCodeEmitter() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.Block
getComponentType(Type) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.TypeUtils
getConstructor(Class, Class[]) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.ReflectUtils
getConstructor(Constructor) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastClass
getConstructor(Class[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastClass
getDeclaringClass() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMember
getDefaultClassLoader() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanCopier.Generator
getDefaultClassLoader() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanGenerator
getDefaultClassLoader() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanMap.Generator
getDefaultClassLoader() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BulkBean.Generator
getDefaultClassLoader() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.ImmutableBean.Generator
getDefaultClassLoader() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.AbstractClassGenerator
getDefaultClassLoader() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.KeyFactory.Generator
getDefaultClassLoader() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer
getDefaultClassLoader() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Mixin.Generator
getDefaultClassLoader() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.ConstructorDelegate.Generator
getDefaultClassLoader() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastClass.Generator
getDefaultClassLoader() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MethodDelegate.Generator
getDefaultClassLoader() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MulticastDelegate.Generator
getDefaultClassLoader() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.util.ParallelSorter.Generator
getDefaultClassLoader() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.util.StringSwitcher.Generator
getDescriptor() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.Signature
getEnd() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.Block
getExceptionTypes(Member) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.ReflectUtils
getExceptionTypes() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastConstructor
getExceptionTypes() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMember
getExceptionTypes() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMethod
getField(int) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.FieldProvider
getField(String) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.FieldProvider
getFieldNames() -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.FieldProvider
getFieldTypes() -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.FieldProvider
getGenerator(ClassReader) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.AbstractClassLoader
getGenerator(ClassReader) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.TransformingClassLoader
getGetters() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BulkBean
getIndex() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BulkBeanException
getIndex() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.Local
getIndex(Method) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.proxy.CallbackGenerator.Context
getIndex(String, Class[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastClass
Return the index of the matching method.
getIndex(Class[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastClass
Return the index of the matching constructor.
getIndex(Signature) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastClass
getIndex() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMember
getInterceptFieldCallback() -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.InterceptFieldEnabled
getInvocationHandler(Object) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Proxy
getJavaClass() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastClass
getJavaConstructor() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastConstructor
getJavaMethod() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMethod
getMaxIndex() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastClass
Returns the maximum method index for this class.
getMethod(Method) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastClass
getMethod(String, Class[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastClass
getMethods() -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.proxy.CallbackGenerator.Context
getModifiers(Method) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.proxy.CallbackGenerator.Context
getModifiers() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMember
getName() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.Signature
getName() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastClass
getName() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMember
getPackageName(Type) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.TypeUtils
getParameterTypes() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastConstructor
getParameterTypes() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMember
getParameterTypes() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMethod
getPropertyMethods(PropertyDescriptor[], boolean, boolean) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.ReflectUtils
getPropertyName(Type, String) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.AccessFieldTransformer.Callback
getPropertyType(String) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanMap
Get the type of a property.
getPropertyTypes() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BulkBean
getPropertyValues(Object, Object[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BulkBean
getPropertyValues(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BulkBean
getProxyClass(ClassLoader, Class[]) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Proxy
getReturnType() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
getReturnType() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.Signature
getReturnType() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMethod
getRoute(Object[]) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Mixin
getSetters() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BulkBean
getSignature() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
getSignature(Member) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.ReflectUtils
getSignature(Method) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.TypeUtils
getSignature() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy
Return the signature of the proxied method.
getSignatureWithoutReturnType(String, Class[]) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastClass
getStackSize(Type[]) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.TypeUtils
getStart() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.Block
getStaticHook() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.ClassEmitter
getSuperIndex() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy
Return the FastClass
method index
for the method used by MethodProxy.invokeSuper(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])
getSuperName() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.DebuggingClassWriter
getSuperName() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy
Return the name of the synthetic method created by CGLIB which is
used by MethodProxy.invokeSuper(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])
to invoke the superclass
(non-intercepted) method implementation.
getSuperType() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.ClassEmitter
getTarget() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MethodDelegate
getTargets() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MulticastDelegate
getType() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.Local
getTypes(Class[]) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.TypeUtils
getUnboxedType(Type) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.TypeUtils
getUndeclaredThrowable() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.UndeclaredThrowableException
getUniqueName(Method) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.proxy.CallbackGenerator.Context
getfield(String) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
getfield(Type, String, Type) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
getstatic(Type, String, Type) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
getters -
Variable in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BulkBean
goTo(Label) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- h -
Variable in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Proxy
- hashCode() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanMap
- hashCode() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.Signature
- hashCode() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastClass
- hashCode() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMember
- hashCode() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MethodDelegate
- hash_code(CodeEmitter, Type, int, Customizer) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.EmitUtils
- ICONST(int) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.TypeUtils
Static variable in class net.sf.cglib.core.DefaultGeneratorStrategy
Static variable in class net.sf.cglib.core.DefaultNamingPolicy
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.proxy.NoOp
- A thread-safe singleton instance of the
Static variable in class net.sf.cglib.transform.NullClassVisitor
- ImmutableBean - class net.sf.cglib.beans.ImmutableBean.
- ImmutableBean.Generator - class net.sf.cglib.beans.ImmutableBean.Generator.
- ImmutableBean.Generator() -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.beans.ImmutableBean.Generator
- InterceptFieldCallback - interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.InterceptFieldCallback.
- InterceptFieldEnabled - interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.InterceptFieldEnabled.
- InterceptFieldFilter - interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.InterceptFieldFilter.
- InterceptFieldTransformer - class net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.InterceptFieldTransformer.
- InterceptFieldTransformer(InterceptFieldFilter) -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.InterceptFieldTransformer
- InvocationHandler - interface net.sf.cglib.proxy.InvocationHandler.
replacement (unavailable under JDK 1.2).
- if_cmp(Type, int, Label) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- if_icmp(int, Label) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- if_jump(int, Label) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- ifnonnull(Label) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- ifnull(Label) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- iinc(Local, int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- index -
Variable in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMember
- init() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.ClassEmitter
- init() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.AddStaticInitTransformer
- initialize(Hashtable) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.hook.AbstractPreProcessor
- instance_of(Type) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- instance_of_this() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- intValue(String) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.util.StringSwitcher
- Return the integer associated with the given key.
- intercept(Object, Method, Object[], MethodProxy) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodInterceptor
- All generated proxied methods call this method instead of the original method.
- invoke(Method) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.proxy.InvocationHandler
- invoke(Object, Object[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy
- Invoke the original method, on a different object of the same type.
- invoke(String, Class[], Object, Object[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastClass
- invoke(int, Object, Object[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastClass
- Invoke the method with the specified index.
- invoke(Object, Object[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMethod
- invokeSuper(Object, Object[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy
- Invoke the original (super) method on the specified object.
- invoke_constructor(Type) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- invoke_constructor(Type, Signature) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- invoke_constructor_this() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- invoke_constructor_this(Signature) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- invoke_interface(Type, Signature) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- invoke_static(Type, Signature) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- invoke_static_this(Signature) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- invoke_virtual(Type, Signature) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- invoke_virtual_this(Signature) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- isAbstract(int) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.TypeUtils
- isArray(Type) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.TypeUtils
- isEmpty() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanMap
- isInterface(int) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.TypeUtils
- isPrimitive(Type) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.TypeUtils
- isProxyClass(Class) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Proxy
- isStatic(int) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.TypeUtils
- isStaticHook() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- iterator() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.FixedKeySet
- KeyFactory - class net.sf.cglib.core.KeyFactory.
- Generates classes to handle multi-valued keys, for use in things such as Maps and Sets.
- KeyFactory() -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.core.KeyFactory
- KeyFactory.Generator - class net.sf.cglib.core.KeyFactory.Generator.
- KeyFactory.Generator() -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.core.KeyFactory.Generator
- LCONST(long) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.TypeUtils
- LE -
Static variable in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- LT -
Static variable in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- LazyLoader - interface net.sf.cglib.proxy.LazyLoader.
- Lazy-loading
callback. - Local - class net.sf.cglib.core.Local.
- Local(int, Type) -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.core.Local
- length() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.TinyBitSet
- loadClass(String) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.AbstractClassLoader
- loadObject() -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.proxy.Dispatcher
- Return the object which the original method invocation should
be dispatched.
- loadObject() -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.proxy.FixedValue
- Return the object which the original method invocation should
- loadObject() -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.proxy.LazyLoader
- Return the object which the original method invocation should be
- load_arg(int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- Pushes the specified argument of the current method onto the stack.
- load_args() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- Pushes all of the arguments of the current method onto the stack.
- load_args(int, int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- load_class(CodeEmitter, Type) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.EmitUtils
- load_class_this(CodeEmitter) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.EmitUtils
- load_local(Local) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- load_method(CodeEmitter, Method) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.EmitUtils
- load_this() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- MUL -
Static variable in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- MethodDelegate - class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MethodDelegate.
Delegates are a typesafe pointer to another method.
- MethodDelegate() -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MethodDelegate
- MethodDelegate.Generator - class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MethodDelegate.Generator.
- MethodDelegate.Generator() -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MethodDelegate.Generator
- MethodFilter - interface net.sf.cglib.transform.MethodFilter.
- MethodFilterTransformer - class net.sf.cglib.transform.MethodFilterTransformer.
- MethodFilterTransformer(MethodFilter, ClassTransformer) -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.transform.MethodFilterTransformer
- MethodInterceptor - interface net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodInterceptor.
- General-purpose
callback which provides for "around advice". - MethodProxy - class net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy.
- Classes generated by
pass this object to the
registered MethodInterceptor
objects when an intercepted method is invoked. - MethodWrapper - class net.sf.cglib.core.MethodWrapper.
- Mixin - class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Mixin.
multiple objects to be combined into a single larger object. - Mixin() -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Mixin
- Mixin.Generator - class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Mixin.Generator.
- Mixin.Generator() -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Mixin.Generator
- MulticastDelegate - class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MulticastDelegate.
- MulticastDelegate() -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MulticastDelegate
- MulticastDelegate.Generator - class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MulticastDelegate.Generator.
- MulticastDelegate.Generator() -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MulticastDelegate.Generator
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.hook.AsmClassLoaderPreProcessor
- make_label() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- make_local() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- make_local(Type) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- mark(Label) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- math(int, Type) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- member -
Variable in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMember
- mergeSort(int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.util.ParallelSorter
- mergeSort(int, int, int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.util.ParallelSorter
- Sort the arrays using an in-place merge sort.
- mergeSort(int, Comparator) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.util.ParallelSorter
- Sort the arrays using an in-place merge sort.
- mergeSort(int, int, int, Comparator) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.util.ParallelSorter
- Sort the arrays using an in-place merge sort.
- method_switch(CodeEmitter, Method[], ObjectSwitchCallback) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.EmitUtils
- monitorenter() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- monitorexit() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- NE -
Static variable in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- NEG -
Static variable in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- NEWARRAY(Type) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.TypeUtils
- NamingPolicy - interface net.sf.cglib.core.NamingPolicy.
- Customize the generated class name for
-based utilities. - NoOp - interface net.sf.cglib.proxy.NoOp.
- Methods using this
callback will delegate directly to the
default (super) implementation in the base class. - NullClassVisitor - class net.sf.cglib.transform.NullClassVisitor.
- NullClassVisitor() -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.transform.NullClassVisitor
- net.sf.cglib.beans - package net.sf.cglib.beans
- net.sf.cglib.core - package net.sf.cglib.core
- net.sf.cglib.proxy - package net.sf.cglib.proxy
- net.sf.cglib.reflect - package net.sf.cglib.reflect
- net.sf.cglib.transform - package net.sf.cglib.transform
- net.sf.cglib.transform.hook - package net.sf.cglib.transform.hook
- net.sf.cglib.transform.impl - package net.sf.cglib.transform.impl
- net.sf.cglib.util - package net.sf.cglib.util
- newInstance(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanMap
- Create a new
instance using the specified bean.
- newInstance(Class) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.ReflectUtils
- newInstance(Class, Class[], Object[]) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.ReflectUtils
- newInstance(Constructor, Object[]) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.ReflectUtils
- newInstance() -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.proxy.Factory
- Creates new instance of the same type, using the no-arg
contructor, and copying the callbacks from the existing instance.
- newInstance(Callback) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.proxy.Factory
- Creates new instance of the same type, using the no-arg constructor.
- newInstance(Callback[]) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.proxy.Factory
- Creates new instance of the same type, using the no-arg constructor.
- newInstance(Class[], Object[]) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.proxy.Factory
- Creates a new instance of the same type, using the constructor
matching the given signature, and copying the callbacks
from the existing instance.
- newInstance(Class[], Object[], Callback[]) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.proxy.Factory
- Creates a new instance of the same type, using the constructor
matching the given signature.
- newInstance(Object[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Mixin
- newInstance() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastClass
- newInstance(Class[], Object[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastClass
- newInstance(int, Object[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastClass
- Create a new instance using the specified constructor index and arguments.
- newInstance() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastConstructor
- newInstance(Object[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastConstructor
- newInstance(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MethodDelegate
- newInstance() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MulticastDelegate
- newInstance() -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.ClassTransformerFactory
- newInstance(Object[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.util.ParallelSorter
- newProxyInstance(ClassLoader, Class[], InvocationHandler) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Proxy
- new_instance(Type) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- new_instance_this() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- newarray() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- newarray(Type) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- nextInstance(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanCopier.Generator
- nextInstance(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanGenerator
- nextInstance(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanMap.Generator
- nextInstance(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BulkBean.Generator
- nextInstance(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.ImmutableBean.Generator
- nextInstance(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.AbstractClassGenerator
- nextInstance(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.KeyFactory.Generator
- nextInstance(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer
- nextInstance(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Mixin.Generator
- nextInstance(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.ConstructorDelegate.Generator
- nextInstance(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastClass.Generator
- nextInstance(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MethodDelegate.Generator
- nextInstance(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MulticastDelegate.Generator
- nextInstance(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.util.ParallelSorter.Generator
- nextInstance(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.util.StringSwitcher.Generator
- nextLocal(int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.RemappingCodeVisitor
- not() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- Toggles the integer on the top of the stack from 1 to 0 or vice versa
- not_equals(CodeEmitter, Type, Label, Customizer) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.EmitUtils
- Branches to the specified label if the top two items on the stack
are not equal.
- null_constructor(ClassEmitter) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.EmitUtils
Static variable in class net.sf.cglib.core.KeyFactory
- OR -
Static variable in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- ObjectSwitchCallback - interface net.sf.cglib.core.ObjectSwitchCallback.
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
- ParallelSorter - class net.sf.cglib.util.ParallelSorter.
- For the efficient sorting of multiple arrays in parallel.
- ParallelSorter() -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.util.ParallelSorter
- ParallelSorter.Generator - class net.sf.cglib.util.ParallelSorter.Generator.
- ParallelSorter.Generator() -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.util.ParallelSorter.Generator
- Predicate - interface net.sf.cglib.core.Predicate.
- ProcessArrayCallback - interface net.sf.cglib.core.ProcessArrayCallback.
- ProcessSwitchCallback - interface net.sf.cglib.core.ProcessSwitchCallback.
- Proxy - class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Proxy.
- This class is meant to be used as replacement for
under JDK 1.2. - Proxy(InvocationHandler) -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Proxy
- parseConstructor(Type[]) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.TypeUtils
- parseConstructor(String) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.TypeUtils
- parseSignature(String) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.TypeUtils
- parseType(String) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.TypeUtils
- parseTypes(String) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.TypeUtils
- pass -
Variable in class net.sf.cglib.transform.AbstractFilterTransformer
- pop() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- pop2() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- preProcess(String, byte[], ClassLoader) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.hook.AbstractPreProcessor
- preProcess(byte[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.hook.AsmClassLoaderPreProcessor
- processCase(Object, Label) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.core.ObjectSwitchCallback
- processCase(int, Label) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.core.ProcessSwitchCallback
- processDefault() -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.core.ObjectSwitchCallback
- processDefault() -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.core.ProcessSwitchCallback
- processElement(Type) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.core.ProcessArrayCallback
- processFile(File) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.AbstractProcessTask
- processFile(File) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.AbstractTransformTask
- process_array(CodeEmitter, Type, ProcessArrayCallback) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.EmitUtils
- Process an array on the stack.
- process_arrays(CodeEmitter, Type, ProcessArrayCallback) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.EmitUtils
- Process two arrays on the stack in parallel.
- process_switch(int[], ProcessSwitchCallback) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- process_switch(int[], ProcessSwitchCallback, boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- push(int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- push(long) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- push(float) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- push(double) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- push(String) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- push(boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- push_array(CodeEmitter, Object[]) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.EmitUtils
- push_object(CodeEmitter, Object) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.EmitUtils
- put(Object, Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanMap
- put(Object, Object, Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanMap
- Set the property of a bean.
- putAll(Map) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanMap
- putfield(String) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- putfield(Type, String, Type) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- putstatic(Type, String, Type) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- quickSort(int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.util.ParallelSorter
- Sort the arrays using the quicksort algorithm.
- quickSort(int, int, int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.util.ParallelSorter
- Sort the arrays using the quicksort algorithm.
- quickSort(int, Comparator) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.util.ParallelSorter
- Sort the arrays using the quicksort algorithm.
- quickSort(int, int, int, Comparator) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.util.ParallelSorter
- Sort the arrays using the quicksort algorithm.
- REM -
Static variable in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
Static variable in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanMap
- Limit the properties reflected in the key set of the map
to readable properties.
Static variable in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanMap
- Limit the properties reflected in the key set of the map
to writable properties.
- ReflectUtils - class net.sf.cglib.core.ReflectUtils.
- RemappingCodeVisitor - class net.sf.cglib.core.RemappingCodeVisitor.
- RemappingCodeVisitor(CodeVisitor, int, Type[]) -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.core.RemappingCodeVisitor
- RemappingCodeVisitor(RemappingCodeVisitor) -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.core.RemappingCodeVisitor
- readBoolean(Object, String, boolean) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.InterceptFieldCallback
- readByte(Object, String, byte) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.InterceptFieldCallback
- readChar(Object, String, char) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.InterceptFieldCallback
- readDouble(Object, String, double) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.InterceptFieldCallback
- readFloat(Object, String, float) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.InterceptFieldCallback
- readInt(Object, String, int) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.InterceptFieldCallback
- readLong(Object, String, long) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.InterceptFieldCallback
- readObject(Object, String, Object) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.InterceptFieldCallback
- readShort(Object, String, short) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.InterceptFieldCallback
- remove(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanMap
- remove(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MulticastDelegate
- return_value() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- reverse(Map, Map) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CollectionUtils
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
- SUB -
Static variable in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
- Signature - class net.sf.cglib.core.Signature.
- A representation of a method signature, containing the method name,
return type, and parameter types.
- Signature(String, String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.core.Signature
- Signature(String, Type, Type[]) -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.core.Signature
- StringSwitcher - class net.sf.cglib.util.StringSwitcher.
- This class implements a simple String->int mapping for a fixed set of keys.
- StringSwitcher() -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.util.StringSwitcher
- StringSwitcher.Generator - class net.sf.cglib.util.StringSwitcher.Generator.
- StringSwitcher.Generator() -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.util.StringSwitcher.Generator
- set(int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.TinyBitSet
- setArrays(Object[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.util.ParallelSorter.Generator
- setAsBeans(boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Mixin.Generator
- setBean(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanMap.Generator
- Set the bean that the generated map should reflect.
- setBean(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanMap
- Change the underlying bean this map should use.
- setBean(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.ImmutableBean.Generator
- setBeanClass(Class) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanMap.Generator
- Set the class of the bean that the generated map should support.
- setCallback(Callback) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer
- Set the single
to use.
- setCallback(int, Callback) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.proxy.Factory
- Set the callback for this object for the given type.
- setCallbackFilter(CallbackFilter) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer
- Set the
used to map the generated class' methods
to a particular callback index.
- setCallbackType(Class) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer
- Set the single type of
to use.
- setCallbackTypes(Class[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer
- Set the array of callback types to use.
- setCallbacks(Callback[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer
- Set the array of callbacks to use.
- setCallbacks(Callback[]) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.proxy.Factory
- Replace all of the callbacks for this object at once.
- setClassLoader(ClassLoader) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.AbstractClassGenerator
- Set the
in which the class will be generated.
- setClasses(Class[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Mixin.Generator
- setCustomizer(Customizer) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.KeyFactory.Generator
- setDelegates(Object[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Mixin.Generator
- setField(int, Object) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.FieldProvider
- setField(String, Object) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.FieldProvider
- setFixedInput(boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.util.StringSwitcher.Generator
- Configure how unknown String keys will be handled.
- setGetters(String[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BulkBean.Generator
- setHashConstant(int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.KeyFactory.Generator
- setHashMultiplier(int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.KeyFactory.Generator
- setInterceptFieldCallback(InterceptFieldCallback) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.InterceptFieldEnabled
- setInterface(Class) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.KeyFactory.Generator
- setInterface(Class) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.ConstructorDelegate.Generator
- setInterface(Class) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MethodDelegate.Generator
- setInterface(Class) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MulticastDelegate.Generator
- setInterfaces(Class[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer
- Set the interfaces to implement.
- setInts(int[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.util.StringSwitcher.Generator
- Set the array of integer results.
- setMethodName(String) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MethodDelegate.Generator
- setNamePrefix(String) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.AbstractClassGenerator
- setNamingPolicy(NamingPolicy) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.AbstractClassGenerator
- Override the default naming policy.
- setPropertyValues(Object, Object[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BulkBean
- setRequire(int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanMap.Generator
- Limit the properties reflected by the generated map.
- setRoute(int[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Mixin.Generator
- setSetters(String[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BulkBean.Generator
- setSource(Class) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanCopier.Generator
- setStrategy(GeneratorStrategy) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.AbstractClassGenerator
- Set the strategy to use to create the bytecode from this generator.
- setStrings(String[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.util.StringSwitcher.Generator
- Set the array of recognized Strings.
- setSuperclass(Class) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanGenerator
- Set the class which the generated class will extend.
- setSuperclass(Class) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer
- Set the class which the generated class will extend.
- setTarget(Class) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanCopier.Generator
- setTarget(Class) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BulkBean.Generator
- setTarget(ClassVisitor, ClassVisitor) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.ClassEmitter
- setTarget(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MethodDelegate.Generator
- setTarget(ClassVisitor, ClassVisitor) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.AbstractClassTransformer
- setTarget(ClassVisitor, ClassVisitor) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.AbstractFilterTransformer
- setTarget(ClassVisitor, ClassVisitor) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.ClassTransformer
- setTarget(ClassVisitor, ClassVisitor) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.ClassTransformerChain
- setTarget(ClassVisitor, ClassVisitor) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.ClassTransformerTee
- setTargetClass(Class) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.ConstructorDelegate.Generator
- setTargetClass(Class) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MethodDelegate.Generator
- setType(Class) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastClass.Generator
- setTypes(Class[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BulkBean.Generator
- setUseCache(boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.AbstractClassGenerator
- Whether use and update the static cache of generated classes
for a class with the same properties.
- setUseConverter(boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanCopier.Generator
- setUseFactory(boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer
- Set whether the enhanced object instances should implement
- setVerbose(boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.AbstractTransformTask
- setters -
Variable in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BulkBean
- size() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanMap
- size() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.FixedKeySet
- store_local(Local) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- string_switch(CodeEmitter, String[], int, ObjectSwitchCallback) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.EmitUtils
- super_getfield(String, Type) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- super_getstatic(String, Type) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- super_invoke() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- super_invoke(Signature) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- super_invoke_constructor() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- super_invoke_constructor(Signature) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- super_putfield(String, Type) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- super_putstatic(String, Type) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- swap() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- swap(Type, Type) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
Static variable in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Constants
- TinyBitSet - class net.sf.cglib.core.TinyBitSet.
- TinyBitSet() -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.core.TinyBitSet
- Transformer - interface net.sf.cglib.core.Transformer.
- TransformingClassGenerator - class net.sf.cglib.transform.TransformingClassGenerator.
- TransformingClassGenerator(ClassGenerator, ClassTransformer) -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.transform.TransformingClassGenerator
- TransformingClassLoader - class net.sf.cglib.transform.TransformingClassLoader.
- TransformingClassLoader(ClassLoader, ClassFilter, ClassTransformerFactory) -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.transform.TransformingClassLoader
- TypeUtils - class net.sf.cglib.core.TypeUtils.
- target -
Variable in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BulkBean
- target -
Variable in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MethodDelegate
- targets -
Variable in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.MulticastDelegate
- throw_exception(Type, String) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- toByteArray() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.DebuggingClassWriter
- toInternalNames(Type[]) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.TypeUtils
- toString() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanMap
- toString() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.Signature
- toString() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastClass
- toString() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMember
- toString() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.ClassTransformerChain
- transform(List, Transformer) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CollectionUtils
- transform(byte[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.DefaultGeneratorStrategy
- transform(ClassGenerator) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.DefaultGeneratorStrategy
- transform(Object) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.core.Transformer
- types -
Variable in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BulkBean
- USHR -
Static variable in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- UndeclaredThrowableException - exception net.sf.cglib.proxy.UndeclaredThrowableException.
- Used by
as a replacement for java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException
. - UndeclaredThrowableException(Throwable) -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.proxy.UndeclaredThrowableException
- Creates a new instance of
without detail message.
- unbox(Type) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- If the argument is a primitive class, replaces the object
on the top of the stack with the unwrapped (primitive)
- unbox_or_zero(Type) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- Unboxes the object on the top of the stack.
- upperFirst(String) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.TypeUtils
- VisibilityPredicate - class net.sf.cglib.core.VisibilityPredicate.
- VisibilityPredicate(Class, boolean) -
Constructor for class net.sf.cglib.core.VisibilityPredicate
- values() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.beans.BeanMap
- visit(int, String, String, String[], String) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.ClassEmitter
- visit(int, String, String, String[], String) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.DebuggingClassWriter
- visit(int, String, String, String[], String) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.ClassFilterTransformer
- visit(int, String, String, String[], String) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.ClassVisitorTee
- visit(int, String, String, String[], String) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.NullClassVisitor
- visitAttribute(Attribute) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.ClassEmitter
- visitAttribute(Attribute) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.ClassFilterTransformer
- visitAttribute(Attribute) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.ClassVisitorTee
- visitAttribute(Attribute) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.CodeVisitorTee
- visitAttribute(Attribute) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.NullClassVisitor
- visitEnd() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.ClassEmitter
- visitEnd() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.ClassFilterTransformer
- visitEnd() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.ClassVisitorTee
- visitEnd() -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.NullClassVisitor
- visitField(int, String, String, Object, Attribute) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.ClassEmitter
- visitField(int, String, String, Object, Attribute) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.ClassFilterTransformer
- visitField(int, String, String, Object, Attribute) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.ClassVisitorTee
- visitField(int, String, String, Object, Attribute) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.NullClassVisitor
- visitFieldInsn(int, String, String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.CodeVisitorTee
- visitIincInsn(int, int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.RemappingCodeVisitor
- visitIincInsn(int, int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.CodeVisitorTee
- visitInnerClass(String, String, String, int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.ClassFilterTransformer
- visitInnerClass(String, String, String, int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.ClassVisitorTee
- visitInnerClass(String, String, String, int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.NullClassVisitor
- visitInsn(int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.CodeVisitorTee
- visitIntInsn(int, int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.CodeVisitorTee
- visitJumpInsn(int, Label) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.CodeVisitorTee
- visitLabel(Label) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.CodeVisitorTee
- visitLdcInsn(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.CodeVisitorTee
- visitLineNumber(int, Label) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.CodeVisitorTee
- visitLocalVariable(String, String, Label, Label, int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.RemappingCodeVisitor
- visitLocalVariable(String, String, Label, Label, int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.CodeVisitorTee
- visitLookupSwitchInsn(Label, int[], Label[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.CodeVisitorTee
- visitMaxs(int, int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- visitMaxs(int, int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.RemappingCodeVisitor
- visitMaxs(int, int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.CodeVisitorTee
- visitMethod(int, String, String, String[], Attribute) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.ClassEmitter
- visitMethod(int, String, String, String[], Attribute) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.ClassFilterTransformer
- visitMethod(int, String, String, String[], Attribute) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.ClassVisitorTee
- visitMethod(int, String, String, String[], Attribute) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.MethodFilterTransformer
- visitMethod(int, String, String, String[], Attribute) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.NullClassVisitor
- visitMethodInsn(int, String, String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.CodeVisitorTee
- visitMultiANewArrayInsn(String, int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.CodeVisitorTee
- visitTableSwitchInsn(int, int, Label, Label[]) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.CodeVisitorTee
- visitTryCatchBlock(Label, Label, Label, String) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.CodeVisitorTee
- visitTypeInsn(int, String) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.CodeVisitorTee
- visitVarInsn(int, int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.RemappingCodeVisitor
- visitVarInsn(int, int) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.transform.CodeVisitorTee
- wrap_throwable(Block, Type) -
Static method in class net.sf.cglib.core.EmitUtils
- writeBoolean(Object, String, boolean, boolean) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.InterceptFieldCallback
- writeByte(Object, String, byte, byte) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.InterceptFieldCallback
- writeChar(Object, String, char, char) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.InterceptFieldCallback
- writeDouble(Object, String, double, double) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.InterceptFieldCallback
- writeFloat(Object, String, float, float) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.InterceptFieldCallback
- writeInt(Object, String, int, int) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.InterceptFieldCallback
- writeLong(Object, String, long, long) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.InterceptFieldCallback
- writeObject(Object, String, Object, Object) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.InterceptFieldCallback
- writeShort(Object, String, short, short) -
Method in interface net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.InterceptFieldCallback
- XOR -
Static variable in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- zero_or_null(Type) -
Method in class net.sf.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
- Pushes a zero onto the stack if the argument is a primitive class, or a null otherwise.
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