Uses of Interface

Packages that use Callback

Uses of Callback in net.sf.cglib

Subinterfaces of Callback in net.sf.cglib
 interface Dispatcher
          Dispatching Enhancer callback.
 interface InvocationHandler
          java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler replacement (unavailable under JDK 1.2).
 interface LazyLoader
          Lazy-loading Enhancer callback.
 interface MethodInterceptor
          Callback that can be registered with an enhanced class.

Methods in net.sf.cglib that return Callback
 Callback SimpleCallbacks.get(int type)
 Callback Factory.getCallback(int type)
          Returns the current callback in use for the given type;
 Callback Callbacks.get(int type)
          Return the actual Callback implementation for the specified callback type.

Methods in net.sf.cglib with parameters of type Callback
 void SimpleCallbacks.set(int type, Callback callback)
 Factory Factory.newInstance(Callback callback)
          Creates new instance of the same type, using the no-arg constructor.
 void Factory.setCallback(int type, Callback callback)
          Set the callback for this object for the given type.
 void Enhancer.setCallback(Callback callback)
          Set the single Callback to use.
static Factory Enhancer.create(java.lang.Class type, Callback callback)
          Helper method to create an intercepted object.
static Factory Enhancer.create(java.lang.Class superclass, java.lang.Class[] interfaces, Callback callback)
          Helper method to create an intercepted object.

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