Uses of Interface

Packages that use Factory

Uses of Factory in net.sf.cglib

Methods in net.sf.cglib that return Factory
 Factory Factory.newInstance(Callback callback)
          Creates new instance of the same type, using the no-arg constructor.
 Factory Factory.newInstance(Callbacks callbacks)
          Creates new instance of the same type, using the no-arg constructor.
 Factory Factory.newInstance(java.lang.Class[] types, java.lang.Object[] args, Callbacks callbacks)
          Creates a new instance of the same type, using the constructor matching the given signature.
 Factory Enhancer.create()
          Generate a new class if necessary and uses the specified callbacks (if any) to create a new object instance.
 Factory Enhancer.create(java.lang.Class[] argumentTypes, java.lang.Object[] arguments)
          Generate a new class if necessary and uses the specified callbacks (if any) to create a new object instance.
static Factory Enhancer.create(java.lang.Class type, Callback callback)
          Helper method to create an intercepted object.
static Factory Enhancer.create(java.lang.Class superclass, java.lang.Class[] interfaces, Callback callback)
          Helper method to create an intercepted object.
static Factory Enhancer.create(java.lang.Class superclass, java.lang.Class[] interfaces, CallbackFilter filter, Callbacks callbacks)
          Helper method to create an intercepted object.

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